28 April 2009

William Angliss Patisserie Advisory Board

Both Ian Burch & Darren Purchese have been invited by William Angliss TAFE to form part of the first Patisserie Advisory Board. Aimed at helping to ensure the future pastry chefs graduating have the best possible grounding and education, the board was started by Ron Smith and Angela Tsimiklis, both Senior Educators at the institute. A panel of industry leaders including Darren and Ian has been established and the first meeting took place at the college today. The current syllabus was discussed and feedback from the industry experts was given to the educators. Burch & Purchese are committed to helping the industry and believe confidence, knowledge and enthusiasm should be passed on to the pastry chefs of the future to secure the future of individuals and the industry as a whole. Darren & Ian welcome the opportunity to help Ron & Angela in their work and look forward to future events as members of this important board.

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I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren