11 May 2009

Burch & Purchese Dishes 4 - Coconut Ice-Cream With Warm Caramelised Rum Bananas v1.1

We have been making this dessert in one form or another for seven years now and it still hasn't lost any of its appeal. A cool, refreshing coconut ice-cream is produced and moulded into a demi-sphere. A centre is indented and this is blast chilled. Once the ice-cream is removed from the mould a chocolate/cocoa butter solution is made and brushed onto the curved side of the demi-sphere. The temperature of the 'coconut' makes an interesting matt brush stroke on the reverse which cleverly resembles the outside of a coconut. A paring knife is then used to 'chip' around the topside of the 'coconut' to produce a stunning finish. Neat cylinders of banana are then cut, a direct caramel deglazed with dark rum produced and the two combined together for a wonderful contrast. Warm meets cold and sweet and sticky meets cool and refreshing. A dehydrated banana chip is placed on top but not before the indentation is filled with coconut rum to resemble the coconut milk. We actually had a glass blower design this plate specifically for this dish and we have had lots of fun and great feedback making this over the years. We still continue to develop this dessert using different fruits and presentations. We look forward to showing you different versions later on.

1 comment:

I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren