28 June 2009

Burch & Purchese Dishes 8 - Wasabi, Grapefruit & Green Tea

A work in progress this dish but WOW the flavours are fantastic together. Burch & Purchese were lucky to receive this fresh wasabi root, flowers and leaves this week. We went to work producing a sublime wasabi & mascarpone cream and paired it with fresh and candied grapefruit, matcha green tea 'surf' a and yuzu jelly. The freshness of the perfectly ripe and in season ruby grapefruits are a perfect temperate to the addictive and unique heat and flavour profile of the wasabi. Spun isomalt adds a crunch and the dextrose powders of grapefruit & wasabi really are welcome additions. The green tea finishes off the dish in a well rounded way, Burch & Purchese love working with premium product and unusual flavours and this is a perfect example of that. We will be reworking and improving this dish as we receive more wasabi from Tasmania. A version of this dish is on the dessert menu at No.35 restaurant at the Sofitel hotel in Melbourne.

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I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren