16 June 2009

Burch & Purchese Recipes 3 - Earl Grey Tea Ice-Cream

The bergamot in Earl Grey is such a sublime flavour, this recipe for Earl Grey ice cream captures all of the characteristics of this famous infusion. At Burch and Purchese we are always working and reworking our ice cream recipes in search of the perfect balance, viscosity, flavour and enzymic bond for texture. This recipe is full in flavour and is a perfect accompaniment to the fresh nitro cooked tarragon marshmallow and the earthy milk chocolate clay (pictured above). We show below our ice cream technique which uses the mix pasteurized at a lower temperature to ensure pathogen death and reduce 'eggy' flavour. This mix is suitable for Pac-O-Jet and a conventional ice cream machine.

Whole Fat Milk 3.5% 1000 g
Earl Grey Loose Leaf Tea 35 g
Skimmed Milk Powder 70 g
Caster Sugar 170 g
Liquid Glucose 60 g
Trimoline 40 g
Cream 35% Fat 160 g
Egg Yolk 180 g
Stabilizer 8 g

Mix 100g of sugar thoroughly with the sorbet stabilizer. Place the milk, skimmed milk powder and tea into a heavy bottomed saucepan. Heat this mix to 85 degC and remove from the heat and leave to cool to 35 degC. Strain the mix, discarding the leaves and return the infusion to the pan. Add the sugar, invert sugar, glucose and sugar stabilizer mix and heat to 50 degC. Whisk together the yolks and the cream and add this to the pan, continue to cook to 75 degC and hold this temperature for 15 minutes. Ensure constant stirring during this procedure. Remove from the heat, strain and rapid chill. Leave to ripen for 4 hours before churning or storing in a Pac-O-Jet canister.

We hope you try this recipe and enjoy it, the ice cream base can be adapted for other flavours and infusions.

1 comment:

I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren