14 January 2010

Burch & Purchese To Talk Chocolate At Hotshot & Teapot At The Melbourne Food & Wine Festival 2010

Taste and compare single-origin and single-region chocolates from around the world. Darren Purchese will reveal the secrets to using the perfect variety for every occasion. For tickets click here http://www.ticketmaster.com.au/search?tm_link=tm_homeA_header_search&q=HOTSHOT+%26+TEAPOT&search.x=47&search.y=2&camefrom=CFC_AU_MFW11


  1. What a wonderful site of sweet decadent foodiness. I am so happy to have discovered you on FoodGawker. GREG

  2. Hey Sippity Sup!

    Thanks so much for your comment, we will try our hardest to make this site informative for you.

    Darren & Ian


I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren