11 January 2010

Great Night With A Great Chef

Chef Adam Melonas

The famous Octopops

Tuna sashimi

Glad to help

Adam at work

Yoghurt Risotto

Thermo reversible Nutella spheres

Liquid centre chocolate doughnuts

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will know of our admiration for chef Adam Melonas. An Australian chef who has worked abroad at some of the finest establishments and, who was until just recently, Paco Roncero's  main creative chef at their lab in Madrid. Adam has been extremely helpful to us in the past and he has a generous spirit and humble approach to his craft. When we heard Adam was back in the country to promote his new venture in New York later this year we offered our services in a special dinner that took place in Sydney last week. Adam politely accepted and we went to work on some of the dishes that Adam has spent years developing. It was a real pleasure to work with Adam and see first hand the famous Octopops, Tuna sashimi and surf 'n' turf. Adam was generous enough to provide insight behind the creations and we have promised to collaborate further in the future. We particularly were impressed with the thermo reversible technique developed by Adam in his liquid chocolate centre doughnuts. You can be sure that we will be exploring this technique further and will post details in due course. If you are not familiar with Adam you should check out further information on him at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Melonas. The dinner was a great success and Adam received much deserved praise for his dishes from the likes of chefs Tetsuya Wakuda & Brent Savage who were present. Thanks Adam and good luck with New York.


  1. Oh, recipe for yogurt risotto, please??? Looks like a great meal.

  2. Hey, not our recipe to give out. Adam is generous though so you should contact him through his site. Good luck


I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren