17 March 2010


Ok so it's not exactly pastry related per se, but we thought we would let you know how the festival is shaping up from our point of view. The function we attended yesterday was at the stunning balcony of Siglo above The European on Spring street in the city. Porkstar were the sponsors in association with Australian Pork. Although we here at Burch & Purchese have used bacon on our desserts in the past, yesterday was all about celebrating the pig in delicious small bites from The European's chef Ian Curley and St.John (London) chef superstar, Fergus Henderson. As is the philosophy of one of the worlds best chefs, nose to tail of the beast were used in preparing the food. Excellent full flavoured small bites were made from some of the most unfashionable part of the pig and they seemed to go down with great success. From our point of view the function gave us a chance to meet up with some internationally famous chefs including Fergus himself. It gave us a chance to network with local chefs, food media and contacts which is always of a great benefit. Chef Ian Curley was charming and is clearly an excellent chef and organiser so well done to him and thanks for the hospitality. We also met with Miss Phee Gardener who, along with Luke Mangan, is one of the hardworking people behind the Electrolux Young Chef/Waiter Of The Year awards of whom my wife Cath Claringbold is a state judge. We at Burch & Purchese support any initiatives to improve skills and prospects among young persons in the hospitality industry. Check out these links below for further information.

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