31 August 2010

What's The Latest News & Gossip?

Spain here we come!
Bernabeu Stadium.
Ben doing his thing.
Ben Shewry's 'Terroir".
Royal Mail chef Dan Hunter
Clean, precise and exquisite food at The Royal Mail.
Matt Bax cocktail king.
Der Raum.
Selvatica range of chocolate from Chocovic.

Lots going on at the moment, apart from a significant increase in orders for our celebration cakes we are excited to announce that we leave for Spain again today. Madrid is the destination this time and we will be working on an exciting new project of which we cannot divulge information at this time. Confidentiality is paramount on this new project but we will try and let you know bits and pieces as time progresses. We will however be blogging from the Spanish capital on other subjects such as the cuisine, pastry shops and chefs from this gastronomic heaven. Top of our list of places to visit will be Restaurant Diverxo, David Munoz the talented chef from there has been doing great things for a while we hear. We are also looking forward to the cafe's, pastry shops, the chocolate and hunting for our elusive Albert Adria 'Los postres de El Bulli'. The main focus of this trip will be working hard in a kitchen/lab on our brief but who knows, we might have time to visit the Galactico's at the Bernabeu! We'll keep you posted!
Last night in Melbourne was the annual 'Good Food Guide' awards and we wanted to take time to say congratulations to two of our friends who picked up huge awards.
Ben Shewry the talented chef at one of our favourite restaurants, Attica, claimed the prestigious 'Victorian Chef of the Year' award. His cuisine is right up there on the world stage and he is rightly getting the recognition he deserves.
Dan Hunter our friend and former colleague was honoured as The Royal Mail Hotel, in country Victoria won the coveted 'Best Restaurant' award. This award hardly ever goes to a restaurant outside of Melbourne so well done to Dan and his team. Although we have not eaten there, it is on our radar, we know first hand how exquisite his food is whilst working alongside him a number of years ago.
Big Congratulations to both Ben and Dan, great ambassadors for Australian Cuisine!!
We are also close to announce details of our upcoming collaboration with one of the world's best cocktail bars Der Raum. We will be working with owner Matthew Bax on at lease two special events to be announce for early next year. Matt is also co owner of The Tippling Club in Singapore and we are very excited to be working with Matthew and his head barman Matthew Rees, These boys are extremely talented in their field and their work is very much admired by ourselves.
We are also in dialogue with our sponsor Chocovic on some exciting events in the planning for early 2011 which could include chocolate demonstrations and talks - we are happy to have an alliance with Chocovic and look forward to some pretty special events.
So, a few teasers for you all but we will inform you in detail when we can of all of our projects and an exciting announcement towards the end of September. In the meantime, we will update the blog next from Madrid, adios!


Restaurant Diverxo                           http://diverxo.com/
Attica                                               http://www.attica.com.au/
Royal Mail Hotel                              http://www.royalmail.com.au/
Good Food Guide Highlights           http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/restaurants-and-bars/good-food-puts-country-towns-on-the-culinary-map-20100830-147ah.html?autostart=1
Der Raum                                         http://www.derraum.com.au/
The Tippling Club                            http://www.tipplingclub.com/
The Cocoa Alliance                         http://www.cocoaalliance.com/

1 comment:

  1. France is very close to Madrid hope you can come and visit our capital city !!
    Anyway have a great time there and enjoy the heat !
    Pierre de Paris


I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren