25 October 2010

Latest Shots From Burch & Purchese

Classic Opera Cake
We love revisiting old classics every now and again, we are working on a new version of this for a special event later on this year.
Part of the decoration for the latest chocolate celebration cake produced for a client.
The cake was as spectacular on the inside as out with many contrasting layers of texture & flavour.
Back to the classics with our Battenburg cake made with freeze dried raspberry & lemon.
Some cool salted caramel & pistachio popcorn to garnish a new dessert.
Getting ready for an outside function we picked up. Fun to do these chocolate 'bombs'.

We are bursting with excitement at the moment as we are waiting to announce the latest developments in our business. We really want to let everyone know our news but have to wait until an official press release is sent out. So keep coming back and we will let you in on the latest as soon as possible. We also have two fantastic collaborations with two international talents that we will let you know about in the next couple of weeks. Sorry to leave you hanging but we will update you on here, our Facebook page and by following Darren Purchese on twitter. Cheers and have a great week.


  1. The photo of the classic Opera cake is so amazing! The layers are clearly defined and the delectable chocolate on the outside makes my taste buds go tingling already! Where can I get it??

  2. Thanks!

    Stay tuned for details on where to get pastry like this in the future, we will announce something this week!


I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren