22 April 2011


What a fantastic week we have had...we opened the doors of our Sweet Studio for the very first time on Tuesday morning at 10am and had lovely people drop by and visit us right away. We are loving our new home and have been overwhelmed by the support and encouragement of our friends, family and well everyone generally...A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL.

We almost missed Easter this year but we are working hard to catch up and have closed today, Good Friday, to restock the Sweet Studio with Easter Eggs and our signature B&P cakes, ice creams and general goodness so we can reopen on Saturday. Our trading hours will be from 10am to 6.30pm and we are planning a few special surprises so if you are in the neighbourhood please stop by and say hello, we would love to see you.

After Saturday we will close the Sweet Studio for the remaining days in Easter and will reopen again on Wednesday the 27th. We want to use this time to develop some new ideas and create some surprises for you all.
For those of you who saw our giant egg in the front window and wonder what happened to it, we donated it the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal in the hope that it will raise some much needed funds. The plan we believe is for them to auction it on Ebay in the days to come, follow its progress at www.facebook.com/royalchildrenshospitalfoundation.

From all of us at Burch & Purchese Sweet Studio we wish you a very happy and safe Easter

Ian, Darren, Cath, Cara, Marie, Renee, Laura & Eugenia x


  1. Wow Ian your Sweet Studio looks amazing! Hope it all goes well!
    Lynsey x

  2. Congratulations on the Studio opening! I can't wait to visit.

    H :)

  3. Every night, I hurt my arm patting myself on the back, saying "if everyone could cook like this, they'd look forward to planning dinner and they'd never run out of dinner ideas." If you agonize over what to make for dinner every night, just watch what I do and substitute the ingredients you desire.Cooking Equipment


I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren