07 April 2011

Follow Us! We Open Next Week On Chapel Street

After a fantastic month or so at our temporary home in the city, we are packing up again to move in to our permanent residence at 647 Chapel Street. Big thanks to Careers Australia for their support in helping to make our Melbourne Food & Wine Festival events and pop up stores such a success.

We have been busy making a limited range of our Studio range of desserts for pop up and they went down extremely well so we have to say so thanks to all of you who came down and said hi. We are now gearing up for our official opening next week and of course Easter.

Latest on the Sweet Studio is that we have had a number of minor setbacks in the opening, these things are to be expected but we wanted to say thank you for your patience. We are now opening next week with a date still to be confirmed but it is looking like the later part of the week.

Most of our equipment has arrived and the finishing touches are being done to ensure Burch & Purchese Sweet Studio is the only place to go for individual desserts, large desserts, cakes, ice creams, garnishes, chocolate and our signature chocolate celebration cakes.

Above are a couple of images of our work in the last couple of weeks, from our 'Follow Us' Easter eggs, individual raspberry & lychee desserts to a stunning centre piece for a 21st birthday cake and finally our popular 'Coconut, Passionfruit, Mint and Ginger cake.

We will let you know as soon as possible the opening date of our store but it WILL be next week at some point so we look forward to meeting old and new friends.

Thanks all for the support, we will keep you informed via this blog as soon as we can.


  1. OMG.... I will go next weekend.

  2. My birthday is on the 12th and I was hoping you guys would be open by then. Is there anyway I can get a cake for tuesday?

  3. Ms Pink Piglet
    Look forward to seeing you

    Please send an email to info@burchandpurchese.com

    Thanks guys

  4. Drove past this arvo'. Looks like a bit of work still to be done?

    Good luck.


I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren