02 April 2012

A Short Video on Burch & Purchese by Milkbar Magazine

Burch and Purchese from Milk Bar Mag on Vimeo.

I really enjoyed collaborating with the guys at Milkbar Magazine for the first video on a series of Melbournians doing interesting things.

The scenes are beautifully shot and I hope viewers get to understand a small part in the construction of my desserts and get a feeling of the special creative space that we have all worked hard on and are proud of, namely our Sweet Studio.

We are honoured to be the first in this series and I hope you enjoy the video and look up Milkbar's excellent site as they will be capturing other interesting and creative locals on their site very soon.


  1. I really enjoy your blog
    It's great to see your food come to life in video.
    I live in Noosa, and have never been to your shop but
    Would love to one day.
    I have also been following khymos, ideas in food, Michael laiskonis etc for a couple of years and have only recently cottoned on to your blog, I think my rss app recommended your feed!
    Happy Easter
    Keep it up!

  2. Cheers for that, comment appreciated. Lucky man living in Noosa, love that place. Hopefully you can pop into the Sweet Studio when you are next in Melbourne. Happy Easter to you too mate.



I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren