02 January 2010


Happy New Year to all of our followers and readers, 2009 really was a fantastic and exciting year for us and we hope 2010 will be even better.
Since starting this blog in the middle of last year we have tried to bring you news and images on current food trends, book reviews and the latest news on our business and travels. We have had (to date) over 6500 unique readers and we hope that we have informed and entertained. Highlights last year included, trips to elbulli & El Cellar de Can Roca, working with Ramon Morato, dessert only dinners, Melbourne Food & Wine Festival, visits to Singapore & Japan and lots more which can all be found in the labels and archive files of this blog.
Next year we hope to top that impressive list and we will bring you all of the information here for you. Thanks for all of your support in 2009 and we look forward to having you here in 2010. Darren & Ian

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I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren