02 January 2010

How To Get A Reservation At Elbulli

If you want to be one of the lucky few to dine at the world's best restaurant, then you have to give yourself the best chance possible. Every year close to 2 million people request one of the 6000 seats available, amazing odds that can be shortened with a few tips.


Check the website for the official reservation request time. Elbulli only consider requests that they receive in the specified time. This year it's 1st Jan to middle of Jan, so you need to get in quick!!


The email address is bulli@elbulli.com and the man in charge is Senor Garcia.


Don't be demanding - you are less likely to get a reservation if you specify a particular date, time or anything else. Best to ask for a table at any time and date for 2 persons.


Keep the email short and be polite.


Cross your fingers and hope for the best, they will get back to you regardless of the outcome probably by March.

Good luck, it's worth it!!


  1. Requested submitted - Fingers are definately crossed !
    Richie B

  2. Hey there, Not sure I exactly agree with all your suggestions.

    Definitely don't be demanding however specifiying a particular date gives them something to work with and if you're actually going to be in the area at a particular time, there's a much greater chance you'll actually turn up.

    I sent off an initial email in November as this was the specified time the year before and then sent another in January. We are holidaying in the area in June so I had a range of dates within which I was flexible. I was holidaying with friends who were there for a shorter period so to make it all much more confusing, i asked for a booking for four within the shorter range or a booking for two in the longer range if that failed. I got the booking for four on a perfect date that suits us all.

    I also rambled on about my love of food and wine to attempt to establish my foodie credentials.

    It all seemed to work and I was notified in March.

    Very happy Jan.

    Also have just secured a booking today to El Celler de can Roca and a few weeks ago to the Fat Duck. Noma is proving more difficult due to them skipping to the top of the top 100 list. Two weeks ago their bookings were relatively open. Yesterday there was nothing so I am wait-listed.

    I really think the key thing is to show you really love food and aren't just in it to say you've been there. Also just saying any time at all isn't really convenient for you or them. Figure out when you can be there and try to work it around that. Also, from what I've read most of the tables are for two so going with a few people may actually put you ahead a little.

    Anyhoo, last chance next January. Good luck folks.

  3. Hey!! WELL DONE - anyway you can get a booking is the right way. You raised some interesting points and they are all very valid.

    When I dined at El Bulli there was actually a table empty that could have been filled had someone been in the area!

    I hope you have the BEST night of your life and congratulations on a result. Thanks for looking at our blog.

    Good luck to everyone else who are trying to secure this once in a lifetime experience.

    Darren & Ian


I welcome your feedback and will try to respond as soon as possible, thanks. Darren