21 December 2009
Here are a few festive shots for you, we have been busy in the kitchen creating chocolate & sugar pieces to celebrate the season. We have elegant chocolate christmas trees (top & second), a cool santa with the shades on (third & fourth shots), our chocolate baubles and gingerbread house (next two) and finally our marzipan & chocolate snowballs and our mini chocolate trees. We hope you enjoy these pictures and we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. We are signing out for now but will post again before new year. Have fun!!!!!
13 December 2009
06 December 2009
Triple R Radio Recipe - Panettone French Toast
Milk 250 g
Sugar 25 g
Eggs 2
Mix the milk, sugar and the eggs together well and pass the mix through a sieve. Cut the Panettone to size and soak in the custard for 10 seconds. Drain the soaked bread on a wire rack for a minute while you add a knob of butter to the solid part of your BBQ. Gently fry each side of the toast until you have a golden crust. Serve immediately with Burch & Purchese cherries in vanilla syrup, chocolate spread and creme fraiche. Enjoy!!!
05 December 2009
Chocolate Cake With Cherry Blossom
30 November 2009
Chocolate Cakes - Latest Shots
27 November 2009
The Composition Of Milk

The above information is concerned with the composition of milk. On of the most common ingredients in the kitchen, milk is a versatile and delicious product. This is part of our continuing series of close up looks into the raw ingredients we use every day.
(P.S. The above image of milk was taken from http://blogs.phillyburbs.com/news/bct/tag/milk/)
26 November 2009
Here Comes The Science Part!! - The Physics Of Whipped Cream
24 November 2009
Burch & Purchese Dishes - 17 Chocolate & Hazelnut Spread On Toast
19 November 2009
Beautiful Desserts At Aria Sydney
12 November 2009
Guns For Show, Knives For A Pro!!
Burch & Purchese Dishes - 16 Flavours Of Summer Trifle
09 November 2009
Chocolate Work
P.S. can you guess which rubber mould was used for the picture at the top of this post??
06 November 2009
Interesting Ingredients
Sugar cane, which is juiced and turned into a slush puppy.
Spices are an important part of Asian cusine, especially szechaun!
Wow! This is a Pomelo(on right), a kind of citrus fruit, next to a normal size grapefruit.
Pandan leaves.
Something we were not expecting to see in Asia
We have just returned from some promotional and consultancy work in Asia. One of the best things about working abroad, (for a chef), is exploring the local cuisine and working with produce you don't normally see. These are just a couple of pictures from our trip and we saw so much more. The pandan is a fragrant leaf used in infusions and jellies. The Pomelo was cool, not too sour and massive segments, apparently that was a small one!! It was funny though to see a box of rocket from down the road in Bacchus Marsh, country Victoria in the kitchen. Just shows that great produce is found all over the world.
Thanks To Jasmine & Jess
Ian with Jess Edgar

We just wanted to say thanks to two very talented people who have helped us with photography this last year. We say this because the images taken have been used extensively in programs, brochures and press without credits to these two girls.
So stand up Jasmine Thom for her cool graffiti shots of us and thanks so much to Jess Edgar who took some great shots and is a talented artist.
Check out Jess Edgars work at her website here http://www.jessicaedgarphoto.com/or watch this cool video of kitchen life by clicking this link http//www.youtube.com/watch?T_miAIZx4ZM watch carefully and you may spot Mr Burch lurking in the background.
05 November 2009
Really Useful Food Pairing Blog

Burch & Purchese Recommended Books 3 - Chocolate by Ramon Morato
Ramon's book: Chocolate

In depth recipes with Spanish and English translations.
Quality photography throughout.
Ramon signs our book!!
We were asked just recently by a journalist, "What is your favourite and most used cookbook of all time?", well where to start. Firstly we individually and jointly have an extensive range of books on all subjects covering the culinary spectrum. All have them have provided us with much joy and knowledge over the years. Looking at the question again though "most used", well we probably don't need to look much farther than the book illustrated above. 'Chocolate' by our good friend Ramon Morato was a revelation to us and was a benchmark in books on chocolate in our opinion. It is massive in content and quality and covers all areas including, plated desserts, entrements, pralines and much more. We were big fans of this book before we met Ramon, so when we had the chance to work with him we felt privileged. The book certainly conveys his professional attitude and we could not resist asking him for his signature which has pride of place in our library. We recommend this book to all pastry chefs out there.
In depth recipes with Spanish and English translations.
Quality photography throughout.
Ramon signs our book!!